There is so much more to document but I fear that as long as I have a computer hidden in a room where I can't watch my kids, my alone time for blogging is few and far between. It is also spent doing things other than blogging. The fact that this is like a family journal is what motivates me. I must confess, I like snooping onto my friends sights and see what they are up to. I love a new post, so here is one from me. Many people I have seen in the past 5 months know that I am pregnant. Currently I am 22 weeks and we are expecting a baby boy sometime in April. There is a small abnormality where the placenta has only one artery where normal ones have two but so far everything looks normal. Sigh of relief.
I really contemplated whether or not to have anymore children for many reasons, but mostly on how poorly I react to not having any sleep when they are small. Jamin agreed to get up with the kids in the morning when the new baby comes so I can function better(one of the stipulations on having another child) Now that our little guy is on his way I am beyond excited I almost wish this wasn't my last. My legs of course are a mess but as long as I wear these REALLY sexy compression tights I can walk around without pain. So life is good. We decided not to take a job in Colorado. Although it would have been a good career move for Jamin neither of us really felt good about it. Zoe is finally in a preschool 3 days a week in the morning which she loves. 2 of her best buds are in her class with her. I just need to figure out what to do with her for the rest of the day...? She seems to thrive off of a schedule and having structure to her day. She is constantly asking me "what are we doing today?, how about after that?" I need a good chore chart/activity chart/ ect. My little Jude turned 2 in Oct. and deserves his own post for that one, but he is such a talker. I am amazed with the things he knows of which I never taught him. I mean, he seriously speaks in clear complete sentences(but he says "W" instead of "L"). Neither kid is a great eater so Jude is still taking formula a bit but basically it's in a sippy cup. He is still sucking on a pacifier. Every so often he'll spit it out and say,"I'm a big kid". Don't know where he got that from. I am slowly potty training him which is such a bigger pain with boys than girls simply because our toilet doesn't have a splash gaurd and he's to short to stand up and aim. My plan is to have him in a big boy bed in his room eating like a big boy and going potty like a big boy months before the new baby comes. Time will tell. At least I don't feel like I'm being drugged with sleeping pills like I did at the beginning of the pregnancy. I might actually accomplish some of my goals.