Monday, November 12, 2007

Goodbye View

We have been fortunate to have an amazing view of the park from our living room window for the last year and a half. As you can see, a new "master suite" is taking it's place. Luckily, I don't own this property but the loss of the view isn't the most annoying part of the situation. It is the constant banging of their hammers! I pray for rain often...I obviouly need help with this one because I'm not having much success. Thankfully, Zoë has been able to nap through it all.


Jon and Emily said...

Sorry, I don't feel bad for you...look at those palm trees! Ahhh, I need the beach!!

Dawn said...

what's the matter, you don't like the view of construction-worker-crack and mexi-music blaring through your house? Was that stero-typing? My bad.