Monday, March 2, 2009

He Rolls

My little boy rolls over!! I have decided to celebrate his little milestones. We are currently working on getting him to sleep through the night. I was sick last week so out of survival, he cried it out in Zoe's room while she slept on our floor(her favorite spot anyway). I am not quite as anal about his naps as I was with Zoe so we have been out and about this weekend not on schedule so he doesn't have it down yet. We are getting there. I started giving him rice cereal too,
only when he smacks his lips and stares at food I'm eating.


Matt and Kay Jones said...

Are you kidding? I can't believe how big he is getting!

Becca said...

your family is too cute!!!!

Mama Bear said...

Wow, he is rolling over? That happened fast. Hope he is being a better sleeper these days!