Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I did it by myself!

This is a statement my 2 1/2 year old says several times a day but this time I am saying it. The pictures below need to be looked at in reverse in order to get the effect I was going for. I did do it by myself. I went on a 2 hour boat ride with my 2 small children and nobody fell over board. As you can see from the first picture that was a miracle. My friend Dawn invited us on a Whale watching trip and although I was worried I wasn't up for the amount of energy required for such outings with my 2 kids I couldn't pass it up. I have always wanted to go whale watching. I would love to go scuba diving and just see one in it's element. Not a killer whale though, a big blue or hump back whale would be great. They are the worlds largest creatures and I am fascinated by them. Anyway, we got to see 2 types of dolphins up close which was fun for the little kids to see. The kids wanted to play a run around the boat and did fairly well for the majority of the trip. When 12pm hit, the little people meter turned to break down mode and that is when I had to just hold a screaming child while I got to see(but not photograph because my hands were full) my first whale. Excluding sea world of course. It was great and totally worth it. Would I do it again? Not with out some extra help.

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