Wednesday, October 1, 2008

To induce or not to induce?

So I am a day over my due date. I am 80% effaced and dilated to a 4. I should have had this baby already. Why won't I go into labor? I really haven't minded it until yesterday. Now I have the patience of a 2 year old so Zoe and I are a great little duo. I got induced with Zoe so I was thinking I wouldn't get induced this time. I don't think I can make it. I am going a little crazy. What should I do?


Emily C said...

didn't you want the october 1 birthdate? go for it!! :)

good luck!

Jon and Emily said...

GET INDUCED! I was in the same predicament and ended up getting induced with Tyler too. So glad I did because I pushed once and he was out! YOU DON'T WANT THAT HAPPENING TO YOU IN TARGET!!!!

Mama Bear said...

Lisa! If you are going crazy, I think you should get induced in the next few days. You are so far along, you don't want to have your baby before you get to the hospital! Unless Jamin knows how to deliver babies...then just go ahead and wait awhile! :)

Anonymous said...

so fun to find you in the bloggin world - no idea you had a blog! I don't envy you, but you sure look cute pregnant!

Elise said...

Ok. I'm no expert (my disclaimer) but maybe he's just not ready yet. Technically you are only one day over your due date. ONE day.
I know you probably hate me right now for my comments.
However, if you are extremely uncomfortable and unable to physically bear it much longer for health reasons, then induce.
If it is just a patience issue then. . .
Please don't hate me. Just being honest. Really it boils down to whatever you and Jamin and your doctor feel is the right thing for the baby.
I can't say I blame you for feeling this way (remember I told you about Jordan being 1 whole week late, and then there were the uncertainties with Kori) but it is only one day and you seem so close!

Elise said...

By the way, next time I deliver you can remind me of my own advice when I might be faced with the same predicament! :)

Suzanne said...

Go for it! I was technically induced with all 3 of mine so I don't know the difference. Do some yardwork or move furniture around. That's what I did with Spencer & Livi and my water broke that night. Good Luck! Wish I was there to hold your sweet baby and bring you dinner:)

paul&chelsey said...

He's not here yet?! I was hoping to see pics of your bouncing baby boy! As for induction- Evan was five days late, but I figured he just came when he was ready and fully cooked. Then again my pregnancy wasn't quite the same as yours has been! Just post pics ASAP so I can see him!

Melissa Verhagen said...

such a personal decision and everyones experiences are so different, but I say let that little guy cook. It is very common to go over your due date and they may have been a bit off on the due date. I know it sucks, but your body is doing exactly what it is supposed to, so hang in there if you can. I was induced and Taj was not ready to come. When they are not ready it makes for a very very long labor. Just trust that your body will do what it needs to when that little sucker is ready to come join us. i love you!

Mandee said...

I was going to say what Steph said, so "ditto"

You have such a cute family! It's so great to catch up with you! Good luck!

P.S. We have September 30th, and October 1st birthdays at our house. It's a great time to have a baby!

The Stovalls said...

Such a hard decision. Maybe you've already made it by now, but keep in mind that babies can be "over cooked." Did they check your placenta to see if it was still in good shape? My ped. said Aden was "over cooked" and had lost weight in the womb, so it was a good thing we chose to help him get out (c-section) when we did, which was on his due date! Ty was c-sectioned out about 10 days early and was in better shape than Aden was. I just think some babies are 38 week cookers and some are 41! Hope to see you and a healthy, perfectly cooked baby soon.

Amy Coontz said...

Hey Lisa,
So glad I found your blog. If you haven't had that baby yet, just have the doc break your water, you'll have it in no time.

heymaughan said...

Waiting for more word...excited to hear...!!!