Saturday, January 31, 2009

We LOVE Santa!

I don't know what this picture says about my parenting skills but I think my kids will appreciate it when they are older. Zoë loved to look at Santa from afar but the minute he spoke to her the love was gone. I thought Jude was a happy little camper when Jamin passed him off to the mall Santa. Strange tradition now that I'm thinking about it. I think he got scared for a minute because of Zoë's protests. I was the lucky parent who ended up in the picture smiling big enough for all three of us. Jamin and I enjoy the holidays. We love the repetition in them. The cookies, music, decorations, trees, Christmas morning. There they are every year like a grandma you love to visit once a year and she waits for you with open arms. We run right into them. The Santa photo has been tacked on to these traditions for the good, the bad, and the ugly.


Boyce said...

Ahhhh the Santa tradition...I often wonder why do this as well...hand our little ones off to a complete stranger....and they usually hate it! Ha! Cute pic anyways....keep smilin!

Seanna said...

Ohhh Zoe...She is Hilarious! I have been in a couple pics with Santa too. Why do we do this to our children??