Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Memory loss

I can't get the other pictures to upload at the moment. Instead, I am going to vent about my memory loss! Why can't I remember anything? I went to Target for 3 things. I left with more than 3 things but they didn't have 1 of the 3 things I went there for, a pastry sifter. Where am a supposed to find one of those if not Target? I managed to get shortening but forgot the deodorant. So I left Target with 1 thing I actually went there for and then some. Those who have infants/toddlers know how difficult just getting into the car can be so now I'm faced with the I make a special trip for just 1 thing? I don't really have it in me.


Dawn said...

just buy a sara lee pie from the freezer section at target--problem solved. Motherhood is all about adaptation...if you can't find it at a one-stop shop at target, you don't really need it!!

Hoagland Family said...

I have 4 words for ya,"Story of my life".

I Looooove Zoe's coat!What a stylish kid!

Mama Bear said...

You so sound like me! That's the worst...I think I gave half my brain to Meredith when she was born! What is going to happen when baby #2 comes in June? I'm in trouble!!!